Over the weekend I made the Edge of Lace hat from the Edge of Lace Hat and Cuffs pattern in 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders. I had fallen in love with it from the pictures and couldn't wait to make it. I started Friday and finished quickly. The lace section was really easy and lots of fun to do during parts of Veronica Mars and Flashpoint. However, I was disappointed because it has a rectangle top that has to be sewn in rather than the typical decrease pattern. Because of this, it took me until last night to figure out how in the world to go about finishing. I ended up sewing the two corners together on the inside for about an inch and leaving it at that. The result is ok, but not the smooth look I like in a hat. But I'm not giving it up because it's such a beautiful color (I'm actually currently wearing it at work). I went on Ravelry and looked at other people's projects using this pattern and it seems that most feel the same way and so have changed the pattern to decreases, with really nice results.

(hey look! there's my amazing Indiana Jones hat)
I'm not sure if I'll make the cuffs to go with it. Maybe next season. I've got way too many projects right now.