

In all the moving craziness you would think that knitting would fall by the wayside.  But there has actually been a wee bit of progress.  I finally managed to finish my Kleio, with three days to spare, and so I turned to some lingering WIPs to keep me busy until August when I can cast on my Camp Loopy 3 project.

Remember Prana?  I was addicted to it back in June but then determined not to risk taking such sharp metal needles on the plane with me to my cousin's wedding and it has been languishing in my knitting basket ever since.  When I picked it back up I discovered that I was almost to the heel bind off, which for toeless socks is like being almost done (this is what I tell myself but in reality that final ribbing stretched to eternity).

I had to reknit the heel opening twice because it kept ending up too floppy.  The pattern says to "Bind off loosely" which in reality meant just that.  Don't go up a needle size, don't use a stretchy bind off, just bind off loosely.  When it comes to my feet I find myself thinking things are larger than they actually are.  I blame my sixth and seventh grade class.  Everyone gets made of for something when they are in middle school, mine was that my feet were bigger than the rest of the girls.  What I tend to forget is that now I've grown into them and as long as I have not been attacked by any bees they are proportional to my leg.

Please ignore all the stuff on our carpet.  We're working on unpacking and cleaning here.

I'm really loving this pattern, but they will probably fall by the wayside again until after Camp Loopy.  I may or may not be casting on another pair of legwarmers for that tomorrow.

To see more works in progress from people I'm sure are less self-conscious about their feet than I am, check out Tami's Amis.