
Attemptive Focus

Welcome back to WIP Wednesday where there really is not much to report.  I am still knitting away on the front of the Holla Back Tank.  I've just finished the bust increases and now have a bit to go before I can start armhole shaping.

It is quite a bit of progress, but it feels like I am getting nowhere.  Ideally I will finish the front this week and cast on the back for our Labor Day excursion to visit Chris' parents and some of my family.  The lace back just screams entertainment for the long and boring car ride.

I am actually right on pace with the Sweatshop of Love KAL for this pattern.  For this one I am knitting concurrently, but not actually participating.  For some reason if I say it is a knit-a-long suddenly it becomes like work and I no longer find it fun.  So I am reading the blog posts and setting goals for myself, but not actually joining in on the conversation.  Lame, I know, but after the Cowl KAL + sample knit of doom I'm just burnt out.  I am easing myself back in with the Stockinette Zombies KALs, so maybe I will join in on the next one.

Socks On A Plane are also still going, but they have been demoted to social knitting, which means I mostly pull them out on Pretty Little Liars nights to keep me from throwing things at the tv (did you watch the betrAyal? I KNOW!).  I anticipate giving them a lot of love during our stay with the in-laws.

But of course, all of this hinges on my commitment to only two projects.  Which, considering I bought the latest Knit Scene and immediately cast on for the Purslane beret and cowl set last night (I have the perfect skein in the perfect shade of blue), might be a bit of a stretch.

For more WIP Wednesday goodness, check out Tami's Amis!


  1. Oh yes, perfect car knitting I'd say! Still love the red!

  2. It's nearly impossible to not cast on a project when one acquires a new knitting mag. Hope your tv knitting and visits with the in-laws are fruitful in the department of knitting productivity!
